The year of blogging in 2013 didn't last too long for me. One whole post was written and then other "stuff" came along. I'm sure there are millions of moms in this world that can relate! Family, work, job changes, school and moving just to name a few of the biggies. In July of 2013 I had the fortunate opportunity to move into a position that allows me to work a rather normal work schedule, compared to retail. Well, normal in that I now travel 3 days a week to other states. But hey, I get weekends and holidays off. I even work from home a couple of days a week! We're all still adjusting to this change. It's been both positive and negative and right now we are just trying to hold on and find a routine that works for us. I graduated from Bowling Green State University with a master's degree in Organization Development in August. Though I don't regret the education it's a bill that I'm not looking forward to paying!
I look around and feel very blessed by the grace of God that I have a great husband and children. We have a lot of fun in this family and it leaves me to wonder why I think I have to be perfect. No one is perfect. No, not even the faithful Pinners or the Facebook devotees. So I'm giving up my worries about how this blog might just be dumb to others and forging ahead.
I just finished reading my very first post and I have to say, I'm kind of shocked at that writer. To tell the truth, I enjoyed reading it and I NEVER enjoy reading my own writing. So alas, I'm giving this blogging yet another attempt. At the very least I figure this will be something my kids can read one day and be proud that I am their mom and that I have the courage to tell story!
Hey Stephanie, first I would like to say thank you for inviting me into your private world of thoughts. You are brave to share your feelings and I am inspired by your desire to blog your story for your sons. I think what you said about Facebook is right an ex-facebookie I can honestly say that I don't miss it at all. Everyone that is significant to myself and my family know how to connect with us and know our story. Life to me is not about "posting on someone's wall," but going to dinner with a friend, making a call to check up on someone, sharing a moment in real-life....not a digital one. I thank you for blogging and ask you to continue to tell your story!!!