Saturday, May 16, 2015

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

"Now I lay me down to sleep.  I pray the Lord my soul to keep.  God watch over me through the night and wake me with the morning light. Amen and God bless...."  
     I say this prayer with my kids as I tuck them into bed each night.  My children list off the names of the people they would especially like God to bless that night.  Then, I kiss them on the forehead, tell them how much I love them and ask them where we will meet in our dreams.  For Brody, it's always Virginia Beach.  It is his favorite place in his whole 6 year old world.  We will swim with dolphins and build sandcastles together. Lucas and I meet in a variety of places.  Sometimes we go to the moon and other times we might meet in a video game.  Why do I do this?  Because I want them to remember these very special moments that we share together.  

     We live in a world where bigger is better.  Big houses, fancy cars and keeping up with the rest of the neighborhood seems to have taken over our ability to take in and appreciate the smaller things in life. It can be hard to remember to cherish even the smallest of moments with our children.  I try to remember these small moments when I am away from my children....which is, unfortunately, often.  

     I don't get to tuck my children in every night.  I work a job that requires me to travel about 70% of the time.  And while I get many questions such as "You're kids are so young!" or my personal favorite, "How do you do that, be away from your family so much?"  Well, let's just say that I don't enjoy being away from my family.  I miss them terribly from the moment I leave until the moment I get home.  Yet, I'm very comfortable in the decisions I make and what I am providing for my family.  For one, I have a very strong support system.  My husband has always supported me in my career, even when he may not have agreed with my choices.  For this, I am both blessed and thankful.  We also have a close aunt that cares for our children and has given them their own bedroom with bunkbeds to spend the night when necessary.  For this, I am both blessed and thankful.   

     While I miss my children terribly as I travel for work I am comforted in knowing that they are safe and well cared for.  Don't get me wrong, the moment I have an opportunity that affords me the ability to work closer to home I am taking it!  But, for now, I'm living in my reality and doing the best I can do to be a provider for my family.  My husband and I working together to give them the best opportunities and experiences we can to give them a solid foundation until they are on their own.  So I'm going to relish the little moments that mean so much to me and them.  

     I'm doing my best to let my kids know just how very much I love them.  I know that one day they too will look back on these small moments and remember them just as I remember saying bedtime prayers in my childhood.   It is my hope that they remember these moments fondly and it gives them the same sense of peace and comfort that I carry.  I hope that they always remember that no matter how far apart we are, we are always in each other's hearts.  Finally, I hope that I can continue to cultivate their hearts to know that you can't buy happiness or love.  Happiness and love is found in the small things we do day to day. It's where we meet in our dreams and it's most definitely in our prayers at night.  

Friday, January 2, 2015

It's January 2nd 2015 and as I begin to write this post I have yet to land on a New Year's resolution.  In the effort of saving myself time and quite frankly the disappointment of not completing a boring resolution I'm not making one.  I simply refuse.  I'm forging a new path and just saying no to all of that goal setting and organized craziness that I never complete.  
This year I'm trying something different.  Instead of making all of these promises to myself that I know I won't keep I am going to make only 1 statement.  I will fail.  I will try to fail gracefully but I know there will be times that may not happen.   I will fail because I will be trying new ideas and testing myself to see just what I can do.  I will challenge myself to think differently and learn more.  Why am I doing this?  My reasoning for this is that if I fail at least I will have learned something. Maybe in telling myself it is o.k. to fail I am actually giving myself permission to try more and do more.  As a parent I think that one of the most important qualities of a person that we can teach our children is how to keep learning, how to accept defeat and how to pick yourself back up after the going gets tough.  Yes, I think I will be a shining example of this for my kiddos.
The good news is that I'm not in this alone!  I have God standing with me and carrying me through life.  I have my husband who is my soul mate and life partner that is willing to push my buttons just to see what happens.  We all need that someone in our life to keep us on our toes.  Lucky for me I hit the jackpot!  I've got my kids, that with all of their innocence are always willing to give hugs and kisses, no questions asked.  And of course my family and friends as an extended support system.  I am blessed beyond belief so I know that the year of no resolutions will be just fine.  In fact, I expect great things to come from 2015.  Happy New Year and cheers to no resolutions!